Upgrading ASA and ASDM Images
Step 1: Acquire the software from cisco.com. Step 2: Check for free space (it’s good to get the practice of doing this, especially for upgrading ASAs that are in production) …
Adding License on Cisco ASA 5505
1. Your first step is to purchase the Licence you require from an authorised cisco reseller. 2. When your licence arrives you need to locate the PAK that is on the certificate. …
Setup Cisco ASA at your home
This implementation was carried out on a Cisco ASA 55** and a Linksys AC 2*** router: Step 1. Configure e0/0 : put a check mark next to the option Obtain …
Configure Zone-Based Policy
Configure a Zone-Based Policy Firewall on a Cico 1941 router : Create ACLs to define which traffic can go from zone to zone. Create zones. Assign zones to interfaces. Create …
Configure a Cisco Router to Access a AAA RADIUS Server: Step 1. Create users on the RADIUS server Step 2. Set a secret key on the RADIUS server Step 3. …
Backup Cisco Configs Using Putty
1. Launch putty and connect to your Cisco router/switch2. Enter the user exec mode (router> enable)3. Enter the terminal length 0 command (router# terminal length 0) in order to force the router …
QRADAR CE en essai gratuit
Se familiariser avec l’outil SIEM : QRADAR CE à son domicile :
Installing Cisco IOS To An 1841 Router Via TFTP(ROMMON MODE) :
Download image from ASA using TFTP server
How to use #TFTP server #upload and download image from ASA using TFTP server :